Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Collage Assignment: Positive & Negative Space

Due Monday, January 23

  1. Organize a sheet of 18”x24” white paper into two 9”x14” frames.
  2. Design a composition that utilizes positive & negative space using only 2 values.
  3. Using cut and pasted paper, create two collages, one in each frame, using the exact same composition in each, but reversing the values that signify positive and negative space (figure-ground reversal).
  4. Assignment due:  Monday, January 23.
  • Are the shapes in your composition interestingly varied in scale, placement, proximity, and shape type (organic/geometric)?
  • Since this assignment is about organizing 2-dimensional space, consider how your composition relates to the edges of the picture plane.
  • Keep the principles of design—such as contrast, placement, proximity, balance, and rhythm—in mind as you craft your composition.
  • Both compositions must be identical.  Therefore consider creating templates that can be traced for your shapes.
  • You may choose to design a composition with shapes that are representational (the shapes are made to resemble things in the world around us) or nonrepresentational/abstract (organic and geometric shapes that aren't meant to represent something else).

  • Find at least 2 articles on positive/negative space.  Read them, print them, and place them in the notebook.
  • Find images & information on M.C. Escher, Kara Walker, and at least one other artist who works with positive/negative shapes.  Paste an image you find interesting by each artist onto separate pages and write interesting information you learned below each.
  • Research papier collé and write what you learn in the notebook.

  • Quickly sketch out at least 3 possible compositions in the sketchbook BEFORE beginning work on the full-sized collage.  You may use the materials of your choice for these sketches (pencil, charcoal, ink, paint, collage, etc.).
  • Choose the composition you will use for the assignment and write some notes about WHY you chose it.
Remember that the notebook and sketchbook are turned in with every assignment.